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Gloria with Remmy and Indigo |
This page is dedicated to my horsey family.
"Buffalo" Bud Lovelady III was a real life "old school" cowboy. He believed that a horse was only as good as it's rider, and he strived to be the best rider he could be. He raised and trained Quarter Horses, did stunt work for Western movies, and taught every kid he could how to ride. He was famous for giving lessons to children for free, who otherwise would never have been able to afford the joy and thrill of riding. During his last 7 years, Bud decided to rescue wild Mustangs, break them to ride, and give them to his "kids". He was truly a one-of-a-kind person and I was lucky enough to call him my friend. Died at age 70 in a car accident.
Freckles was my best friend and the horsey love of my life. I had him only 10 years and in that time we did more together than most people will do with their horses in a life time. From ponying colts, to rides on the beach, to winning 3 belt buckles, this amazing horse never said no. He wasn't a foundation bred Quarter Horse, he was a red roan Appy that barely hit 15 hands....but he was the best. My favorite cowboy is now the caretaker of my favorite horse. Died at age 24 from colic.
Gloria...if you knew her you either loved her or hated her. I was one of the luck few whom she called family. She was one of very few people who actually got my sense of humor...not only got it, but could keep up with my sarcasm step for step. There was never a dull moment when she was around! I will miss being able to talk to her about anything...she really understood me, and I think sometimes that can be hard to do. The ranch is not the same without you Gloria. I think about you everyday....hmmm, what would Gloria have to say about that!!?? 